Starting out with you, my reader, I will be giving you a little background on how I came to write BOUNCE BACK, what is resilience and mostly about what’s in it for you.

  • Why is resilience important and What does resilience mean anyway? 

What Does it Mean to BOUNCE BACK and Be Resilient? 

Just months after I started writing this book, one of my favorite mentors and CEO of New Peaks Training Courses, Adam Markel published his phenomenal book “PIVOT”. I was both surprised and delighted to read his description of my book subject:

"Resilience isn’t just about being strong-although it helps to be. And resilience isn’t just about surviving setbacks-although there will be times you have to. Resilience is about being strong, taking a beating, and then coming back as something greater. When you are resilient, you become like a spring, meeting an opposing force and bouncing back again."
"Every..one…has faced adversity. The ones who were resilient, who bounced back stronger and wiser, are the ones you hear of and read about."

  • How does bouncing back enhance my life and more important, what can it do for yours.

If you are a real estate professional, I don’t need to tell you how tense and crazy it can be during the pressure of transactions in escrow. Guiding people who are often extremely fearful of making mistakes with the biggest investment they have ever made, can be doubly difficult because many of the problems are out of your control. Lenders, appraisers, and inspectors all have their jobs to do but they can totally sabotage and derail a sale. When I have related some of the hair raising events I’ve experienced to my friends and associates, they have wondered how I could handle such intensity and still maintain my equilibrium, just like a rock in the storm. I often questioned myself about this too although I maintained that I was built for it.

However, the real test came about for me personally when I lost my husband Bill to cancer. After our happy 19 year long relationship, including our 10 years in Real Estate together, my love, my best friend and my partner was gone. He was my hero in so many ways and loved real estate so much that he was actually negotiating a sale just 10 days before his passing. Then he was gone, and I admit that I was pretty much in shock. But I had 5 active escrows, clients counting on me and with the staggering medical bills to be paid, I could only keep going. People asked me how I did it. Why didn’t I just stop, walk away and collapse? For me, that seemed impossible. Even though Bill was no longer on this earth, I felt that he really wanted me to succeed and continue our work. I believed that somehow, he was still sending me customers, guiding me and helping me through. I guess he just didn’t want me to give up. 

This was the most difficult and overwhelming circumstance I have ever gone through. No apparent good solutions, no way to regroup, redo, or replay. I was stuck with something I could not change. I could only deal with it. Little by little, I slowly came back to life and the lessons and tools I had been using to do this, started to take form.

  • What is in it for YOU?

The purpose of this book is to provide you with these very useful tools for the times when the going gets tough for you. Whatever your work or personal life may be, I believe there are valuable insights right here just for you.  Throughout this book, you will see by these transforming tales, how I learned to take potentially disastrous situations and apply the lessons and tools I developed which are outlined in the following chapters.

This is not a step by step “how to be successful in real estate or any business” book. You can use any of these suggestions in any order, except that I highly suggest that you fully absorb and internalize Chapter #1 “Believe in Yourself” first. Think of yourself with a tool kit or even a golf club bag. Each tool has its own purpose and function. There is a right tool for the right time and place. For example, sometimes patience and tolerance are not what is called for. Sometimes you need to fight for your interests.

Taking action is usually a good plan, but you might receive a better outcome by waiting a little longer.

When you are aware of the variety of tools or strategies for the variety of situations you are faced with, then you can select the best one for the job.

I will be illustrating for you how to make a distinction between the effects of circumstances from the conclusions you make about the meaning of those circumstances. Which one derails you, the event or how you take it? I will help you examine the role you choose to play, as a result. Are you a victim of circumstances or can you rise above and become the hero in any situation in spite of those circumstances.


This book is meant to give you an opportunity to reflect differently on what you may already know, and by changing your perspective, now you can start to apply and incorporate these transforming strategies, especially when under stress in either your business and personal interactions. You will become the master of BOUNCING BACK and soon you may even find yourself able to BOUNCE FORWARD!


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